Fruitful Efforts at UOF
Fruitful Efforts at UOF
Fruitful Efforts at UOF
July 2021 — New President Pierre Oulette identified his priority as recruiting students, and lately the UOF has been doing exactly that.
As of January, the organization had received only 19 applications for admission, but over the past several months, there as been an explosion of admission applications, now totaling over 440. Even in the year of a global pandemic, they are confident that that they will be welcoming over 100 students when they begin their inaugural semester on September 7th, 2021.
The UOF registration period is ongoing, from July 1 to September 1, 2021, and the generous scholarship program makes UOF an attractive option for international students. International students enrolled in the inaugural cohort will be paying only $ 7,000 in annual tuition as opposed to $27,000 once their scholarship is applied. This scholarship is renewable for four years.