Ontario Expanding Degree Options at Publicly Assisted Colleges

Ontario Expanding Degree Options at Publicly Assisted Colleges

Ontario Expanding Degree Options at Publicly Assisted Colleges 

Beginning April 11th, Ontario’s public colleges will be able to develop new three-year degree programs and additional four-year degree programs in key sectors to address gaps in the province’s labour needs. There will be more choices and opportunities for students studying in Ontario. These new college programs will also help fill gaps in the labour market within growing fields such as health care, digital, data, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and the process automation sector. Ontario Colleges provide students with career-focused education, and give them the skills necessary to support the Canadian economy.  This expansion also means that there will be increased access to education in smaller communities and will allow students to enter the workforce more quickly. Students will also have more opportunities to access high-quality education. Not only this, but these new degrees and education options will mean that graduates can expect to make better salaries. Colleges will then be allowed to develop new three-year degree programs that are in an applied area of study, career-oriented and distinct from university degrees, giving their students an edge on the job market in Ontario.