Workplace Learning Project at UDEH to Receive BHER-CEWIL Grant
Workplace Learning Project at UDEH to Receive BHER-CEWIL Grant
Workplace Learning Project at UDEH to Receive BHER-CEWIL Grant
September 2021 — The Université de Hearst is happy to announce that its Workplace Learning Project was chosen as one of thirteen projects financed by the Business and Higher Education Roundtable (BHER), with the generous support of the government of Canada. The initiative is the product of a collaboration between the BHER and Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL).
BHER and CEWIL share the goal of improving access to quality opportunities of workplace learning for students across the country. This funding initiative will allow for the creation of over 1,000 opportunities of quality workplace learning in six provinces, with particular attention given to underrepresented students. The 13 projects were selected out of 49 applications. In total, they represent more than 28 community partners, industrial and post-secondary, all of which are not-for-profit.
From March 2021 to February 2022, the InnovaNor Group, the research institute at Université de Hearst, is running a project to improve learning experiences in the workplace for the betterment of both students and the employers who host them. The principal objectives of this initiative are to develop a workplace learning promotion strategy for employers in the North-East region of Ontario, to create a network of apt employers to offer relevant workplace learning opportunities to students at the Université de Hearst, and to develop a micro-certification in Efficient Supervision with the goal of emphasizing the value of the role of supervision as well as offering more opportunity for superior quality workplace learning.
“As an engine of economic and social development at the service of the community, the Université de Hearst is committed to offering students an educational training program based on the acquisition of skills through experiential learning. Achieving this goal, which will benefit the next generation of professionals in northeastern Ontario, largely depends on the participation of businesses and community organizations located there.” – Anne-Marie Cantin, Experiential Learning Coordinator.
(English translation by Avantage Ontario)